
The Joint Debate.

The final arrangements for the debate this evening have been made. The doors are to be opened at 7.30 p. m. and the debate is expected to begin promptly at 8 o'clock. The following gentlemen have been invited to sit on the platform: Ex-Governor John D. Long, Curtis Guild Jr., William Makepeace Towle, Dr. Edward Abbott, J. W. Jewett, Maj. W. W. Kellett, Mayor Matthews, Alfred Hemenway, Hon. John Reed, George L. Von Meyer, Senator Simpkins, President Capen of Tufts, Mayor Alger, and officers of the Cambridge city government. R. R. Upton of Yale will open the debate for the affirmative (Democratic), following by G. P. Costigan Jr., on the Silver Question; then W. E. Thoms of Yale for the affirmative, and R. C. Surbridge on the Tariff; finally W. P. Aiken of Yale will sum up the affirmative and A. P. Stone will close with remarks on Civil Service Reform
