
The Harvard Chess Club.

The preliminary games of the college chess tournament have all been played. There was a tie between three men in the first section, but that has now been decided and the following six men are left for the finals:

S. M. Ballou '93, J. M. Mackaye Sp., J. Ralph Jacoby Gr., E. R. Coffin '93, W. L. VanKleeck '94, G. B. Wilson '94. The deciding games must all be played before January 26.

At the meeting of the club held on Tuesday evening, the following letter was read by the secretary:

NEW YORK, Jan. 11, 1892.Secretary of the Harvard Chess Club:

Dear Sir - The subscription for the challenge chess cup has been completed and we are now having a design made for the cup. Will you kindly and without delay get the opinion of your chess club on all points of the tournament and give me a verdict of the same. The donors of the cup desire to give the same as much in conformity with the the desires of the undergraduates as possible.


Yours very truly,E. A. CASWELL.Mr. Caswell is a graduate of Yale and it is known that he has collected $400 for the cup. As yet none of the arrangements for the tournament have been settled. These Mr. Caswell and his friends will decide as soon as they have received replies from the various colleges. Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Princeton are to be represented.

The Harvard club voted Tuesday evening to recommend that two men be sent from each college and that the games be played at the different colleges in succession, In case such arrangements are determined upon, Harvard will be represented by Mr. Dresel, L. S., and by the champion of the college for this year.
