

THE 3.30 squad of the Mott Haven team will begin work hereafter at 3.50. A steward of the H. A. A. will be in the janitor's office of the gymnasium from 11.30 to 12.30 and at 4.30 Friday and Saturday to receive entries for the games to be held January 23rd.


JOHN S. COOK.So great has been the demand for tickets that the committee have been unable to satisfy the applicants. If any men who have already received tickets find that they cannot for some reason use them, they will confer a favor on the committee if they will return them to 4 Stoughton.

J. M. PERKINS.CANOE CLUB. - Smoker Thursday, Jan. 14th, at 3 p. m., at Roberts Hall.

J. H. MORGAN,Purser.YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - Regular meeting this evening at 6.30 o'clock in the Lawrence Scientific School (east). All students are invited.


WILLIAM C. DAMON,Recording Sec.ENGLISH 6. - The debate of January 14 is postponed to January 21. The assignments for Jan. 21 will hold for the debate of February 18.

ALBERT BUSHNELL HART.The Junior Promenade at Yale takes place next Wednesday.

"Tim Keefe" of the New York nine will coach the 'varsity pitchers for a few days.

Prof. Goodwin will not meet any of his classes until next Tuesday Jan. 19.
