
Fact and Rumor.

The committee appointed by the alumni of Andover for the purpose of raising $500,000 for the re-endowment of the school, reported at their meeting Saturday that $56,000 had been raised in the first six months.

George H. Whitman recently died in Boston. He was the last survivor but one of the class of 1827.

There will be a member of the First Regiment in the gymnasium Friday to receive the Harvard entries.

Dr. Lyman Abbott delivered his third lecture on the. "Evolution of Christianity" in the Lowell Institute Course Tuesday evening.

Mrs. William C. Whitney and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt have received $22,000 from contributions for the purpose of establishing an informary at Yale.


The candidates for the Amherst nine will go into training about the 1st of February. During the Easter recess the nine will make a southern trip, playing games with Fordham, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Manhattan Athletic Club and other teams.

The address at the Vespers today will be made by Dr. Abbott. The choir will be assisted by the tenor, Mr. George J. Parker of Boston. Among the musical selections will be "Gaul's Holy City," an anthem by Hiles, and a portion of Sullivan's Oratorio, "The Light of the World."
