Some months ago a committee of the New York Harvard Club was appointed to investigate the cost of a new club house and a suitable lot of land. The growth of the club has been so rapid of late as to make larger quarters indispensable.
This committee consists of Arthur M. Sherwood, chairman; Edward King, Charles C. Beaman, George Blagden, John S. Eldridge, Henry S. von Duzer, Charles H. Russell, Edward L. Parris, Samuel H. Ordway, Lawrence E. Sexton and Amos T. French. In their report they estimated the annual income from the present membership of about 600 resident and non-resident members at $10,400. It was therefore recommended to purchase land and erect a club house similar in general arrangement to the Grolier Club, at a cost not to exceed $60,000. Half of this amount it is proposed to raise by subscription among the members as a gift to the club. Interest on the mortgage for the rest, $30,000, and the expenses necessary to maintain it, was estimated at $9,470. As for location, the committee recommended several sites in Fifty-second St., between Madison and Fourth Aves., or another in Forty-fourth St., between Fifth and Sixth Aves, as coming within the limit of price.
The committee was empowered to purchase for the club a suitable lot and to erect thereon a club house, the character of which was to be within the discretion of two-thirds of the committee; or they may, if deemed expedient, lease a lot and build. But the committee was not authorized to take definite action in pursuance of the power given it until $30,000 is subscribed over and above any sum that may be obtained by mortgage or loan. After this sum is raised, mortgages may be placed on the property, not to exceed $40,000.
The strength and activity which the designed building indicates is especially gratifying as New York is apt to be claimed by Yale as exclusively favoring that University.
At the last regular meeting the following men were elected members of the club: Resident - V. S. Rothschild '91, Louis Hicks '87, Charles J. Oakes '90, John Mead Howells '91, Regis H. Post '91; Thomas Sim Lee '91, James Parrish Lee '91, Charles A. Peabody L. S., '39, non-resident - Charles Copeland 89, Richard Jones '90, Hugh L. Bond '80, and Charles F. T. Beall '80.
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