
The Joint Debate.

The Harvard Union is putting forth every possible effort to make the joint debate with Yale a memorable occasion. It is expected that a large delegation will accompany the disputants from New Haven and so the Cambridge men will give their opponents a reception, lasting from half past five to seven. At this reception there will be present the "Idler Club" of the Annex, the officers of the debating societies of Boston College, Boston University and Tufts College, and a delegation of fifty Wellesley students. At the close of the reception the Yale men will dine at Memorial Hall; a special table having been arranged for them. Many distinguished men have signified their intention of being present at the debate such as Rev. Lyman Abbott, ex-Gov. Long and others. The demand for tickets has increased very much in the last two days and is now enormous and there is every indication that Sanders Theatre will be more than well filled next Thursday evening.
