
Special Notice.

A. A. KINER, 649 Main St. Cambridge. Just what the Harvard men need is a man to call once a week and get their trousers, press them, and return them for 75 cents a month. Drop your card, stating date and hour for calling in the order-box of the Cambridge Cleansing House, at Amee Bros. Book Store, 5 Harvard Sq.

TUTORING in Spanish. Address S., 50 Trowbridge St.

78-4t-T-FTUTORING in the German and French courses.

W. F. Boos,

J 12-14


12 Weld.ENGLISH A. - Tutoring in the principles of rhetoric.

11-12; 4.30-5.30.

J. W. SMITH,12 Weld.POL. Econ. 1, 4; History 2; English 2, 9: Tutoring. Also Greek A, B, C, F; Latin A, B, C; German A, B, C, 1a, 1b; French A, 1a.

DAVID TAGGART CLARK,54 College House.11-12 a.m.; 5.30-6.30 p.m. (exc. Sat.)

2tCLUB TABLE. - A club-table of eight or more can be accommodated at Miss Cotter's, 10 Oxford St. Apply before Saturday, Jan. 16th.

78-4tTUTORING in Pol. Econ. 4, History 10 and 13; English 8 and 9.

P. L. HORNE '92,


Stoughton 11.
