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The report of prosperity which comes from the New York Harvard Club is gratifying. A prosperous and vigorous body of graduates is one of the surest guarantees of prosperity and vigor in the university itself. For this reason we rejoice in the reports of activity in Harvard clubs which come to us from all parts of the country. In the West Harvard clubs are interested in a movement to place a western graduate of the college on the Board of Overseers. However much we may question the expediency of the movement itself, we rejoice that it has come up for discussion. Meetings of Harvard men have been called in all parts of the West, and not simply this question but many others have been discussed. By all such discussion the alumni have been brought closer to the college, they have perhaps come to a better understanding of what is going on here, and certainly their loyalty has been aroused and revivified. In some instances discussion has awakened a desire for fresher and more authentic information concerning the development of the policy which is at work here, and invitations have been extended to members of the Faculty to go West and speak to the clubs. Such visits have always been productive of good, and it is to be hoped that when opportunities come to the Faculty to make them they will be improved.
