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The candidates for the 'varsity nine begin training in the cage today. This announcement possesses more than usual interest this year because of the prospect that we shall again have games with both Princeton and Yale. With these two strong opponents to meet we must all have a lively interest in the base ball outlook. All the work of developing a team which will represent Harvard with credit in the struggle will be followed this year with keen appreciation and quickened sympathy. At the meeting called by the 'varsity captain last night of all new candidates for the nine only about thirty-five men presented themselves. It is true there is some very promising material among these men, but that is not the point. It must be that there is more material in the University than this, and we want it all out. Every new man who plays ball should present himself for the preliminary work in the cage. If all who can will join in the work there is no reason why we shall not have as strong a nine as has ever represented Harvard.
