
Fact and Rumor.

Rutgers College has 222 students this year.

The first term bill must be paid this morning.

The next Brookline Assembly will be Friday. Feb. 19.

The fourth theme corrected is due in English B today.

$22,000 has been subscribed to found an infirmary at Yale.


Dr. Brooke Herford will sail for England the 23d of this month.

The Boston Curling Club is practicing regularly at Fresh Pond.

Two new cottages are to be built for dormitories at Andover.

There are 175 students in Tufts College and 50 scholarships are given.

Cornell gives $65,000 every year in scholarships and other aids to needy students.

Professor Goodwin is confined to his house and will not meet his classes this morning.

The Wesleyan Glee Club made a trip through Massachusetts and Maine during the holidays.

It is expected that President Eliot will speak at the dinner of the Latin School Association Feb. 11.

Four graduates of Harvard are in the Massachusetts Senate and eight in the House of Representatives.

Mr. Edison has applied for one seventh of all the available space in the Electrical Building for the Columbian Exposition.

The Coreyhill toboggan slide is in good working order. Its condition is continually advertised at the office of the B. A. A.

There will be a meeting of the incorporators of the Boston University Club, Jan. 18, and the club will be formally organized.

Edward King of Harvard, and Chauncey Depew of Yale, have been invited to respond to toasts at the annual dinner of the New York Princeton Club, Jan. 21.
