
Candidates for the Nine.

Rather fewer men than usual turned up last evening in response to Captain Frothingham's call for candidates for the 'varsity nine. This was probably due to the fact that there are so many of last year's nine still in college, that new men consider that their chances of making the nine are small. Captain Frothingham wishes it distinctly understood that such is not the case, and urges all men who play ball to come out and try for the nine, as no one man is as yet sure of a position, whether he has or has not played on the nine in the past. After receiving an idea of the training that will be required for the present and leaving their names with the captain, all except the candidates for the battery positions, who remained to receive special appointments for practice, were excused. They will meet for practice at the cage at four o'clock this afternoon.

Their names and the positions for which they will try are: for the out field, J. Allen '92, J. L. Heard '92; (and 2nd base), W. P. Hapgood '94; (and 3rd base), W. W. Caswell '95; (and 1st base), R. E. Paine '94; J. I. Wadsworth '95; (and 2nd base), B. F. Linfield '94, W. A. Quigley '94; (and short stop), J. Corbett '94, W. T. Smith '95, A. Harding '94, H. A. Frothingham '94; for first base, W. C. Rogers '95; for second base, A. C. Dearbon '93, C. Drefus '95, J. B. Lowell '94; for short stop, H. Whiting '95; for third base, P. W. Whittemore '95, N. C. Dingman '95, R. L. Manning '95, H. R. Coffin '94; for pitcher, J. A. Highlands L. S. S., A. A. Highlands '94, P. L. Spaulding '92, J. Wiggin '93, E. C. Howe '93, F. Winsor '93, J. Heard '95, R. C. Wood '92, Dodge '95, B. F. Linfield '94, W. T. Smith '95; for catcher, Cobb D. S., Corbett '94, Upton '93, Mason L. S., H. Cabot '94, Clarke '94.
