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W. S. Sawyer, Sp. '94, is ill with a slow fever and has temporarily left college.

Ex-President Porter, of Yale, who has been ill so long, is not expected to live.

Ten candidates responded to Captain Hartwell's call for the Yale crew. - Times.

A two page exercise on the description of an alpine glacier must be handed in Wednesday in Geol. IV.

Of the thirteen men training for the Cornell 'varsity crew, six rowed in last year's 'varsity boat and five were members of the '94 freshman crew.


The 'varsity crew rowed in the tank yesterday in the following order: Ninde '93, stroke; Rantoul '92, 7; Cummings '92, 6; Newell '94, 5; Bond '94, 4; Slade '93, 3; Acton, M. S. 2; Cauthorne, Gr., bow.
