
Freshman Glee and Banjo Clubs.

The Freshman Glee Club has gotten well under way and promises encouraging results. Mr. Thayer who has been training the men, says the material is unusually good, and, while this should in no way give the Club too much confidence in itself, still, it ought to be an incentive to steady faithful work. It is in the power of '95 to do something creditable to itself and to see that no such support as that given to the freshman crew of last year can be laid to its charge.

Four songs, "The Capital Ship." "Three Glasses," "Fair Harvard,' and "Lizette" have been learned thus far. A meeting will be called early this week to elect permanent officers, and within the course of a month considerable weeding out will be made.

The temporary officers are: Whitman, chairman; Ryerson, Secretary, and Forbes, treasurer. The club is made up at present of the following men:

First tenors. - A. W. Bancroft, W. F. A. Burleigh, P. G. Flint, D. E. Greenly, H. Oppenheim, E. W. Ryersen, A. F. Stevenson, A. E. Upham.

Second tenors. - D. W. Bentley, F. D. Balman, W. D. Brookings, B. Holbrook, P. Howard, W. P. Joy, S. Weill, R. L. Whitman, A. S. Williams.


First basses. - I. S. Adams, H. S. Allen, W. S. Ames, A. W. Burke, E. W. Forbes, B. A. Gray, P. H. Lombard, F. E. Lowell, G. S. Newell, W. H. Sheldon, C. T. Talman, H. E. Whiting, N. H. White, W. T. Smith, G. A. Kaven.

Second basses. - H. W. Brown, J. S. Coonley, A. H. Cornish, S. T. Eddy, E. H. Goodwin, L. R. Harvey, G. Plumb, C. Vrooman, J. M. Washburn, F. Johnson.

The Banjo Club has not yet chosen permanent officers. J. Sargent is acting as president; H. H. Chamberlin as secretary; and J. S. Stone as leader. The banjos are: J. Sargent, H. H. Chamberlin, W. A. Brookings, T. Parker, J. S. Stone and the sixth one will be chosen from T. B. Hill, B. Ried and C. J. Wilcomb. Guitars. - J. P. Roman, F. E. Lowell, H. Williams, D. D. Cassidy, E. W. Forbes Mandolin. - M. Scull.
