PHILOSOPHY 2 and 10.- The annual books, with the year's mark upon them, will be found in the L. S. S. lecture room No. 1, lower floor.
WM. JAMES.99-2t
HARVARD ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL CLUB. Last "smoker" of the year in Mr. Corning's room, 16 Holyoke House, on Tuesday evening, June 9th.
HISTORY I examination will be held as follows: Numbers 1 to 100 in Sever 35. From 101 to 200 in Sever 37. From 201 to 240 in Sever 17. From 241 to 280 in Sever 18.
BOTANY 1.- Students in this course are reminded to bring their Manuals to the examination, and to leave them with the Proctor. Section Allen to Pierce, in Upper Mass.; Pike to Young, in Botanical Museum.
CRIMSON MEETING.- There will be a special meeting of the editors in the sanctum at 1.30 today.
SIGNET.- The Signet will hold its annual Strawberry night, Tuesday Evening, June 16th, at 8 o'clock at the rooms of the Society. Every past and present member is invited to be present.
GUY LOWELL, Sec.99-3t
ALL seniors who have not selected their class pictures from the proofs given them, must do so at once as the class album will be filled very soon.
Per order
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Seating of Memorial Hall.