TUTORING in Italian 1; French A, 1a and 1b; Chemistry B.
CHAS. L. MIX, '90, 24 Grays, middle entry.91-3t.
TO LET.- For Class Day, the house and grounds 13 Bow St. Suitable for a spread. 91-tf.
FLUTES FOR SALE.- 1 Boehm by Reedall Carte, $125.00; 1 Old System by Myer, $25.00.
JOHN P. ADAMS, 12 Harvard Row.93 3t
HISTORY 13 SEMINARS.- Friday, I at 2 p. m. General View, 1824 to the end, by administrations. II at 7.15 p. m. Important questions, slave cases, constitutional questions, reading, etc.
Fee for each $2.50.
J. A. BAILEY, 31 Stoughton.93 3t
PLEASANT, well furnished rooms in private family at number seven Brown St., next to the corner of Brattle St. For summer and fall terms. 92-6t.
ENGLISH A.- Two seminars will be given at Grays 25 on Friday, June 5, at 2.30 and 7.30. At the first, literature lectures through Dryden will be reviewed; at the second, the remaining literature lectures. Rhetoric lectures since the hour examination will also be reviewed. Especial attention paid to those on "description" and "argumentative composition." Fee $1.50 for each seminar.
G. R. NOYES. E. K. RAND.92-4t
TUTORING in History I.
C. E. WHITMORE, JR., 39 College House.EXPERIENCED tutoring by specialist, in French and German courses.
W. F. GIESE, '89, 60 Mt-Auburn St.92-3t.
HISTORY 13.- Seminar, in two parts Friday. June 5th, 2.30-5 and 8-10.30 p. m., at 4 Stoughton. Given by two men in this year's course. Special attention paid to a review of Von Holst's Constitutional Discussions and to all territorial questions relating to slavery. A comparison of the leading authors of this period a prominent feature. 400 pp. lecture notes reviewed.
Important points for the examination will be carefully discussed.
Terms, $1.50 for each part; $2.00 for both.
J. M. PERKINS. RALPH WOODWORTH. 4 Stoughton Hall.f m th f
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