WILL the man who borrowed my '94 sweater please return it to "Jimmy" at the Gymnasium.
HUGH L. CABOT.THE photographs of the '94 nine will be taken at Pach's studio at 2 p. m. on Monday, June 8th.
J. B. LOWELL.LOST.- Fountain pen, between Leavitt and Peirce's and Matthews. Finder will please leave at Leavitt's.
JANITOR'S OFFICE, HEMENWAY GYMNASIUM.- Lockers may now be reengaged for next year; after Class Day those not re-engaged will be leased to other members of the University in order of application. Before leaving, the locker-keys must be returned to this office whether the lockers are retained or not. Anything found in the lockers or dressing-rooms at the close of the year will be regarded as abandoned.
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Yale Crew.