
Amendments to the Regulations.

At the last meeting of the Faculty the regulations were amended as follows:

For S S 14, 15, of the regulations, substitute as follows:

14. A student is allowed to anticipate college studies, by passing, at the time of his admission a creditable examination in any of the studies intended primarily for undergraduates.

15. Studies anticipated in accordance with S 14 may be counted towards the degree in the manner herein provided:-

(1) If the studies anticipated amount to one half of the work of the freshman year, the student may, upon application, be admitted to the sophomore class, subject to the condition of making up the deficiency in his freshman year studies, in accordance with S 6.


(2) In any case the studies anticipated shall be placed to the student's credit, and may be used towards satisfying the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, in either of the following ways:-

(a) The student may obtain leave from the Administrative Board to fulfill the requirements for the degree in three years by taking additional elective studies under the provisions of S 5.

(b) The number of courses regularly required in the senior year, or in the senior and the junior years, may be reduced by the amount of the studies anticipated. Permission to make such reduction will be granted, however, only for the purpose of enabling the student to devote the time thus gained to his remaining studies, or to studies in a professional school.

Applications under (a) and (b) will not ordinarily be acted upon until the close of the student's first year, and the decision upon them will depend upon the quality of the student's record both in his examination for admission and in his college work.

In line 4 of S 6, insert after word "deficiency," "or such part of the deficiency as the Dean may deem expedient."
