
Special Notice.

ROOMS FOR RENT.- Pleasant, well furnished rooms in private family at 7 Brown Street, next to corner of Brattle Street, for summer and fall terms. 105-3t.

STUDENTS who desire profitable employment during their summer vacation will do well to call upon or address "The Fraternity Publishing Co., 36 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass." who have just issued two new books sold only on subscription. One of them is a "History of Freemasonry," written by 81 of the most distinguished Masons in the world. The other is the "History of the Farmers' Alliance," written by the leaders in the Order. Agents are meeting with splendid success in the sale of both of these books. To the right men The Fraternity Publishing Co. will pay a generous salary or commission or both. 6t

CALL at Sever's and get a copy of "Harvard." Thirty-six pictures of Harvard for only ninety cents. 6 2t

GET your Class Day Reception Placards printed at Wheeler's 418 Harvard St., opposite Library. 6 2t
