This afternoon the college will have its last chance to show how highly it honors the nine for the work of the season. We cannot say enough in praise of the team. It began its work with the prospects before it of a most satisfactory season. The season has not been satisfactory; but it has been successful. Its outcome has proved that the college has been represented by one of the most brilliant and hard-working teams which has ever been at Cambridge; that each man on the team has laid aside every personal feeling and has worked with marvelous earnestness; and that they have been led by a captain of whose indomitable energy and courage Harvard has had so many occasions to feel proud.
Though Harvard has not played any championship games, the character of the team and of its work has been such that the sport has suffered no detriment, but has followed out the same lines of development which have been influencing all branches of athletics at Harvard. For this gratifying result we have also the management to thank. The season in many ways has been an unusually difficult one; yet the management has brought the team through it with an exceedingly praiseworthy prudence and thoroughness.
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