The summer School of the Boston Local Board of the American Institute of Sacred Literature will be held in the buildings of the Episcopal Theological School, Brattle St., from June 22 to July 11.
In the department of Hebrew three courses are offered. A Beginners course under Professor L. W. Batten, of the Episcopal Divinity School of Philadelphia, a Reviewers course under Professor M. L. Kellner, of the Cambridge Episcopal School; and an advanced course Prophecy of Jeremiah, under Professor Brown, of the Newton Theological Institution.
Two courses in Old Testament in English are offered one in Hebrew History by Professor Batten; the other in Hebrew Prophecy by Professor Brown.
In Greek there will be three courses, one for beginners under Mr. C. W. Votaw, of Yale University; and two advanced courses; (1) Epistle to the Galatians-Introduction, translation, analysis, exegesis and exposition of the thought. Professor Burton, Newton Theological Institution. (2) Syntax of New Testament Greek with extended translation.
There will be two courses in the New Testament in English: (1) Gospel according to St. John, Professor Votaw. Papers, class discussions, with reference to Interanational Lessons, July to December. (2) St. Paul's Epistles, Professor Burton.
Professor Lyon, of Harvard, and Professor Kellner will conduct two courses in Assyrian-one for beginhers, the other for advanced students. Professor Brown will conduct two courses in Arabic and one in Aramaic.
There will afternoon lectures on kindred topics-and addresses will be made by Dr. Phillips Brooks, Dr. William Lawrence and others. The Museums of Harvard College will be open to the students-including the new Semitic Museum.
Rev. W. A. Roberts, Trinity Church, Boston, has charge of the arrangements.
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