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As a general rule, the students do not clamor to have college exercises begin at an earlier hour in the day. There has been, however, a very distinct wish on the part of a great many men that some change be made in the hours for the final examinations. According to the present method the student is obliged to write a large part of his examination in the hot, noon hours. He has also the drawback of being crowded in with a lot of other men who are also annoyed and made nervous by the excessive heat. If our buildings had a perfect system of ventilation the case might not be so bad. As it is, however, there seems to be only one solution to the difficulty; and that is to set the hour for the examinations earlier and thus avoid the heated hours of the middle of the day.

We are very sure the students would welcome a change in the hour from half after nine o'clock, as it is now, to half after eight. If the change were made, the examinations would be finished by half after eleven, before the heat of that last hour through the noon had a chance to be felt. The hour for the Mid-Year Examinations is, of course, all right; but a change in the finals, such as we have indicated, would be great relief to the students and to all other parties concerned.
