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This week the college will have its last chance of giving, at games in Cambridge, loyal support to the nine. We sincerely hope that this support will be strong and encouraging. The '91 nine has gone through the season in the face of disheartening prospects. It has worked steadily and well, and, as a matter of fact, has developed into the best nine Harvard has had for many years. The college has confidence in the men who make up the nine. The character of their work has been such as to inspire this confidence and such as future Harvard teams would do well to follow. It is by such earnest work, and not by the mere playing of Intercollegiate games, that the standard of athletics at Harvard is to be raised and to which we look for our future success.

The college can give no better proof that it appreciates the work of the nine than by attendance at the games this week. Games are to be played this afternoon, tomorrow and on Thursday. We look for a loyal support from the college.
