
The Crew at New London.

NEW LONDON, June 11, 1891.

The 'varsity crew, with boatman, coach and substitutes, arrived here yesterday at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The boats and other necessary articles came in an extra passenger coach by the same train. As soon as the men were out of the cars, they all went to work transferring the baggage and freight to the Skipjack, a small steamer. The three shells were taken in tow. After a light lunch at the quarters, the crew took a short row about dark. The men are all in good spirits and put an amount of energy and snap in the rowing that indicates that this year's 'varsity crew will not be beaten without a most desperate effort on its part.

The quarters are newly painted. The boat house has been enlarged to about three times its former dimensions, with a comfortable room for the boatman and engineer. The house is not nearly finished yet. A new float so large that a shell can be turned upon it conveniently is a great improvement.

The launch and engineer are expected this afternoon.

G. H. K.
