The Annex girl is evidently more fortunate than her collegiate brother in pursuance of the study of English-for in writing her themes she has ever before her eyes the chance of handing down her name to posterity,- as several of them have recently done in a little publication entitled "English Composition." In this modest book have been collected a number of daily and fortnightly themes, selected as the best and most representative compositions of the different English courses for which they were written. And when we confess that these compositions are far ahead of the work of most of us in originality of thought and finish of workmanship, we pay our collegiate sisters a compliment of the highest order.
Thackery says in one of his novels that "a woman crossed in her literary vanity is as dangerous as a man in love," and even if the authors of these charming daily and fortnightly themes have any literary vanity (which, mind, we do not say they possess), we have no occasion to cross them. On the contrary, we have nothing but praise for such dainty bits of character delineation as "My Village," "An Original Darkey," "Sancta Simplicitas," "My First Psychological Experience," "A Side Light,"- for such bright and original descriptions as "Youth," "In the Crowd," "A Face," "Broken Butterfly"- for such an able biographical paper as that on "Newman and Kingsley,"- and many other pieces delicate in fancy and execution, of which only lack of space (that never-failing friend of the newspaper critic) prevents mention.
Suffice it to say that the volume is on sale at the Co-operative, and that a perusal of its contents cannot fail to charm away the ennui which is liable to come to all of us at this season of the year.
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