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The annual dinner of the Lampoon board will be held on June 16th at the Thorndike.

At the last meeting of the Guitar and Mandolin Club the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, V. M. Porter '92; secretary, L. Thompson '92; leader, B. Wells '94.

The games of the New England branch of the A. A. U., which are to be held at Worcester on Saturday, will be under the direction of the Worcester Athletic Club. It is probable that a number of Harvard men, members of other clubs, will enter.

The officers of the Andover Athletic Association for the coming year are: President, Woodruff; vice-president, Neale; secretary, F. W. Howard; treasurer, Weyerhaeuser; directors, Knapp, Lapham, Davis, Hopkins, Quarrier and S. M. Allen.

At the last meeting of the Exonian board the following men were elected to manage the Exonian next year: Managing editor, H. S. Colton, Jr., '92; assistant managing editor, A. J. Draper '93; business manager, C. L. Hayden '92.

