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Ninety-four is to be congratulated on having come, although somewhat late, to a realization of the duty it owes to its crew. The money necessary to ensure the class against debt running over till next year has been energetically collected by the manager, and the crew leave for New London today. If the two weeks there show the expected improvement and the men row with the same spirit as in the class races they ought to win. Yale and Columbia are both in the race this year and the responsibility upon the captain is even greater than in the past. On the other hand if his crew represents Harvard victoriously there is the greater honor. While the whole college naturally has the success of the crew at heart it falls upon the class to give it an enthusiastic send off, and show some appreciation of the self-sacrifice a crew must make throughout the long and unpleasant months of severe training. Remember, Ninety-four, your crew leaves at 12 o'clock. Be in the Square to cheer them!


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