
Fact and Rumor.

Corrected themes, No. 6, German 4, are in L. S. S., 1.

H. Ware '93 has been elected a regular editor of the Monthly.

The driveway at the north end of Thayer has been graded over and sods have been laid.

Roddy, the Princeton runner, expects to enter the Princeton Seminary next year.

The M. A. C. athletic team which is to compete with English teams this summer, sailed on Wednesday.


The Yale 'varsity crew is said to have made four miles in 20m. 25s. under conditions which were but fairly favorable.

J. Allen '92, who hurt his finger playing ball over a month ago, and who has been at the Cambridge Hospital ever since, is out again.

The crews yet to reach New London are Cornell, Yale and Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is expected on the 15th, Yale on the 16th and Cornell on the 18th.

Mr. A. C. Miller, instructor in Political economy here last year, has refused an Assistant Professorship in Economics at the University of California to accept a like offer from Cornell.

Professor Osborn, of Princeton, in resigning from the Graduate Advisory Committee, presented the Athletic Association with a club house, to be situated on a lot adjoining the athletic field.

The marriage of Mr. Edward C. Wright of Cambridge to Miss Annie G. Porter of Kansas City, will take place in Kansas City soon. Mr. Wright graduated at Harvard in the class of '86 and at the Law School in '89, and since then has been practising law in Kansas City.

The Sarah Green Timmins prize of $100 for an essay upon Dante and His Times, offered for the first time this year by the Harvard Annex, has been awarded to Miss Lucy Allen Paton, who has nearly completed the course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, The title of the monograph is "The Personal Character of Dante as Revealed in his Writings."
