It is not pleasant to be obliged again to call the attention of the freshman class to the condition of the treasury of their crew. Ninety-four might as well, however, understand what the state of affairs is. The Columbia crew is already at New London and is gaining a greater advantage over our freshmen by every day or delay. It is the plan of the 'varsity captain to send the freshman crew to New Landon on the 12th. This would be done unless $1200 more is subscribed before that date. Only $1267 has been collected up to today, an average of $3 subscribed by each member of Ninety-four. Most men can afford to give as much as this; very many men can afford to give more. The richer men have not subscribed in proportion to their means, and it is with them that the responsibility will rest if their crew does not go to New London. The members of the crew have had to buy their own uniforms almost entirely. They cannot be expected also to buy their own shell and pay their own travelling expenses.
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The U. of P. Crew.