
Courses for Teachers on "Methods of Instruction."

The announcement of the courses to be given for the benefit of teachers during the new academic year is now in press, and will soon appear. The plan has been already mentioned in these columns, and some further particulars are at present forthcoming. At its last meeting, then, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences decided to offer, during the academic year 1891-92, a series of courses, open to men who are graduates of Colleges or Scientific Schools, and "to others of suitable age and attainments" (under the same conditions as those which now govern admission to the Graduate School). These are to be called "Courses in Methods of Instruction adapted to the purposes of teachers, and of persons intending to become teachers." The instruction to be offered relates to the History of Teaching, the Theory and Art of Teaching, and to the Methods of Elementary Teaching in the following topics: Greek, Latin, English, German, French, History, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Botany, Zoology and Geography.

The course on the History, Theory and Art of Teaching is to be under the charge of the newly appointed assistant Professor of Pedagogy, Paul H. Hanns, now Professor of Pedagogy in the State Normal School at Greeley, Colorado. The announcement of this course, which will consist of three parts, is as follows:

1. History of Teaching and of Educational Theories. Lectures and recitations twice a week during the year. Two essays.

2. Theory of Teaching.- The psychological basis of methods; critical examination of educational doctrines. Lectures and discussions once a week during the year. Two essays.

3. The Art of Teaching.- General school-room practice; management; superivision; government and organization of public schools and academies. Lectures and discussions twice a week during the year.


Students in this course will be expected to observe the teaching in some designated school or schools in the vicinity of Cambridge and to present reports of what they see at weekly meetings during the second half-year.

The other courses, offered as by far the larger part of the new instruction, embody another novel and important feature. This is an effort to bring about the co-operation of a large number of specialists, of the grade of university professors, in the giving of instruction concerning the best methods of elementary teaching in their own departments. How this end will be accomplished, the fuller announcement soon to be published will show better than can yet be done. As a rule, in each of the topics above mentioned, a course of lectures, by instructors belonging to the department in question will form the core of the instruction. In addition there will be, in general, practical exercises and conferences. Candidates will also be required to attend certain of the elementary courses now on the general list, in order that they may see how instruction is actually given by our own teachers. A course of twelve lectures is also promised on "Topics of Psychology of Interest to Teachers;" and this course will be under the charge of Professor James.
