

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 4.30 today.

'91 NINE.- The following men will be on Jarvis at 4 sharp: Guerin, Crosby, Cummings, Weld, Luce, Austrian, Babbitt, Simons, Parker, and Washburn.

BARGE leaves Fosters for Belmont tonight at 7.30 sharp.

SIGNET.- The society will meet this evening at 7 o'clock. All must be prompt.

G. LOWELL.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal at 7. Picturs taken today at 1.30 back of Sever Hall. Every man bring his instrument.


ENGLISH C.- Mr. Baker will be at his rooms for consultation Friday, May 8, from 3 to 4 o'clock.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal in Lawrence Scientific School at 1.30 sharp. All men must be present.

H. F. TAYLOR.LOST.- On Jarvis Field a baseball glove, marked F. Winsor. Will the finder please return it to 32 Hollis.

ELECTRIC CLUB NOTICE.- The club will meet this evening at 7.30 at the rooms to nominate officers for next year.

G. S. CURTIS, Sec.ENGLISH C.- The brief for the fifth forensic will be due in Sever 10, May 12, before four o'clock. The fifth forensic will be due May twentieth. After May fifth Mr. Thompson and Mr. Baker will be in the Library at the consultation hours. 3tod
