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It has been frequently asked of late why the "scrub" teams are allowed so many privileges which are not given to the 'varsity and class nines. The question has come oftenest from the class baseball captains who claim that they have been greatly hindered in their work by the interference of the "scrub" teams. These latter are generally supposed to be non-representative college organizations; and they may, therefore, leave town without express permission. It is natural enough that men on the class nines should some times prefer to play these out-of-town games rather than to practice with their class nines. The result, however, is disastous to the class nines, whose administration is, of necessity, hardly strict enough summarily to dispense with the services of such men.

The remedy which the class captains ask for is a rule putting the "scrub" nines on the same footing as the class teams. This is the only way to stop interfernce with the work of the class teams. Perhaps this interference is hardly so serious as the class captains have imagined; but we have one "scrub" nine in mind which, we know, has been a source of nothing but evil this season for the baseball interests of the college.
