
Fact and Rumor.

No. 5 of the Lampoon came out yesterday afternoon.

F. P. Kidder '93, who has been sick with the measles, has returned to college.

The 'varsity and freshman nines played a practice game on Holmes yesterday afternoon.

Corning '91 will be tried at third base on the 'varsity in the game with Williams tomorrow.

The defeat of the junior nine seems to have been predestined; for early yesterday morning the flie alarm tolled out a mournful 92.


In the clas4 races next Wednesday '92 will have the inside course next to the stone wall; '94 and '93 have drawn the middle courses, with '91 on the outside.

A freshman has written a thrilling letter to his friends at Williston School, urging them to put forth extrastreenuous efforts in their preparations for Harvard. He soothes their fears by ending with the advice, "Don't let any of these things frighten you."
