

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7.

MUSICAL CLUBS.- Members may get tickets for spring concert at Thurston's from 7.45 to 10 o'clock.

'92 CLASS NINE.- The following men must be on Jarvis promptly at 3.30: Chase, Brown, Curtis, Cummin, Hale, Wrenn, Spalding, Lake, Young, Hollis, Hunt, and Lockett.

'91 NINE.- The following men will be on Jarvis at 3.15: Guerin, Mason, Cummings, Corning, Luce, Austrian, Babbitt, Lee, Simons and Parker.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Meet at Pach's at 11.45 today to have photograph taken.


JNO. C. HOWARD.BICYCLE CLUB.- Business meeting and "smoker" this evening at 8 o'clock at the Union Club rooms.

A. LATHAM, Sec.FOUND.- Yesterday afternoon on Holmes field, a number of baseball season tickets, now useless. Owners please apply No. 1, McNamee Block.

SHOOTING CLUB will meet today at 2 o'clock.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Pictures taken Friday at 1.30 back of Sever Hall. Everyone bring instrument.

ALL seniors will meet in front of Matthews at a quarter before four this afternoon. Bring bass drums or any other instruments which will make a noise.

ORDER OF COMMITTEE.THE tickets for the University Track Athletic Cup Games to be held May 16, 1891, on Holmes Field, will be put on sale this morning at 9 a. m. at Leavitt and Peirce's.
