
Ninety-four vs. C. M. T. S.

The freshmen played their third game with the Cambridge Manual Training School on Jarvis yesterday afternoon, winning by a score of 21 to 7. Although this result seems to show a marked improvement, it is in a way deceptive. The batting was certainly creditable, 19 hits with a total of 24 being made. The fielding, on the other hand, was weak.

There is but one more day for practice before the Yale game and it is unreasonable to expect the men to correct all their faults in so short a time. They can however check that tendency to play carelessly when the score seems large enough to win the game. If snap and determination are put into the work on Saturday the team ought to have a good chance of winning. With either Mackie or Dickinson in the box the nine is stronger than in the last game with Yale.

The feature of yesterday's playing was the batting of Dickinson, Mackie and Clarke. The names of the players and the score by innings are as follows:


Frothingham, c. f Littlefield, 3b.


Corbett, c. Whittemore, c.

Mackie, 1b., p. Moore, s. s., p.

Dickinson, p., 1b., l. f. Fiske, 2b.

Lowell, 2b. McCue, 1b.

Clarke, 3b. Harlow, l. f,

Green, p. Copithorn, l. f.

Paine, l. f. Richards, r. f.

Harding, r. f. Gaytons, p. s. s.

Quigley, s. s. Gass, c. f.

Innings, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ninety-four 5 4 2 7 0 3 0 0-21

C. M. T. S., 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 2-7
