
Officers for the Interscholastic Meeting Saturday.

The officials for the annual Interscholastic Athletic Meeting which will take place on Holmes Field Saturday afternoon, June 6, will be as follows:

Referee, E. J. Wendell, N. Y. A. C. Judges at finish, E. C. Moen, N. Y. A. C.; F. E. Heywood, W. A. C.; S. E. Winslow, W. A. C. Field judges, C. H. Kip, B. A. A.; E. Buckley, B. A. A.; G. S. Mandell, B. A. A.; J. P. Lee, N. Y. A. C. Timers, J. G. Lathrop, Cambridge; E. E. Merrill, Boston; F. M. Wood, B. A. A. Starter, T. C. Smith, H. A. A.; judge of walking, E. E. Merrill, Boston; assistant scorers, track events, J. H. Hunt, H. A. A.; T. J. Stead, H. A. A.; assistant scorers, field events, C. R. Bardeen. H. A. A.; B. E. B. Mitchell, Boston. Clerk of course, R. B. Beals, H. A. A.; assistant clerk of course, track events, J. C. Lee, H. A. A.; assistant clerk of course, field events, P. Gardner, H. A. A. Marshal, R. S. Hale, B. A. A.; assistant marshals, G. R. Fearing, H. A. A.; L. M. Greer, H. A. A.; G. Crompton, Worcester A. C.

The games promise to be unusually good. It will probably be the biggest athletic meeting of the kind ever held in New England. Seventeen schools, including such well known preparatory schools as the Roxbury Latin, Phillips Andover Academy, Hopkinson's, the Boston Latin, Worcester Academy, and others will send representatives. The Roxbury Latin School and Worcester Academy have each entered twenty men. Among the Roxbury Latin boys who have previously distinguished themselves are Dunning. Batchelder, Kimball and Blossom. Fenner, of Worcester, won the bicycle race last year, and holds the interscholastic record; this year the struggle between him, Kimball and Townsend, of Andover, will be a close one. White and V. E. Mitchell are two other Worcester men who may be expected to do good work. Hopkinson's School will be represented by a strong team; fourteen men have been entered, and it is probable that the most of them will compete. Hopkinson's will again rely on that fine young athlete, Brewer; he won three first prizes for them last year, and will win the same events this year. He will certainly lower the interscholastic quarter mile record and possibly establish new records in the other two events also. Dove, Greed and Freund are other good Hopkinson men. Phillips Andover and the Boston Latin will both send eight men. Not much is known of the strength of any of these men, but some of them are certain to do good work.

Hopkinson is the present holder of the cup. The contest between this school, the Roxbury Latin and Worcester Academy was very close and exciting. Saturday's games, however, will probably excel even last year's meeting in interest. The officers of the association are as follows: President, G. Crompton, W. A.; vice-president, W. J. Batchelder, R. L. S.; secretary, C. Brewer, Hop.; treasurer, A. Bullock Dalzell; executive committee, E. C. Moen, H. A. A., R. S. Hale, J. C. Lee, F. C. Green. Undergraduates, G. Crompton, W. A.; C. H. Mills, Hop.; S. Sanford, F. C.; W. J. Batchelder, R. L. S. Delegates to the N. E. A. A. A. U., R. S. Hale, F. C. Green, G. Crompton; alternates, S. Sanford, W. J. Batchelder, C. H. Mills.
