
Today's Game.

The 'varsity nine will play Morrill's team on Holmes Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Morrill will bring up his very best team and a good game may be looked for. Two weeks ago we beat the same nine in one of the best games of the season. Very few men, however, saw it, and today there should be an extra large attendance to counterbalance. The college hardly seems to realize what a good game the nine is playing now, and does not turn out at all in the way it should. The undergraduates are simply losing their opportunities to see good ball played. It is remarkable that the nine shows no sign of discouragement in spite of the lamentably deficient support which it receives.

Cook has been suffering from a severe cold, but will probably be well enough to cover third base again today. Bates will pitch and Cobb will back him up. In the last game with Morrill's nine the visiting team made only two hits off Bates' delivery, one a mere scratch, and the other made by the last man in the last inning. Morrill's men will try to revenge themselves on our pitcher today, and a hard and interesting battle may be expected.
