

MUSICAL CLUBS.- The men who are in debt for tickets to Spring Concert must pay Thurston today.

GLEE CLUB DINNER.- Everybody must sign book at Thurston's before 9 p. m.

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Men will please meet in front of Holyoke House at 8 p. m. to sing in yard.

LOST.- On Sunday at Weld Boat House, a silver-mounted briar pipe. Finder will get a reward by returning it to 20 Weld.

CRICKET.- No practice today. Game with Mystic on Wednesday; leave at 1 o'clock. Photograph of team to be taken at Pach's, Thursday at 2 o'clock.


H. A. A.- All those wishing to get tickets for the Mott Haven games will please sign the book at Leavitt and Peirce's before 9 p. m. today.

THE Zoological Club will meet in the Museum tonight. Papers on "Gastrulation in Aurelia," on the "Development of Amphioxus," and on the "Origin and Development of Statoblasts." Doors open from 7.15 to 7.45 p. m.
