

EVERY freshman is requested to be at the rear of Memorial Hall at 1.30 sharp on Tuesday to be taken in the class photograph.

GEORGE C. LEE, JR.SENIORS who cannot send their photographs for the Harvard Portfolio before Thursday, will be photographed in groups on Wednesday at 1.30 back of Sever.

CLASS OF '91.- The members of the class must pay up the first installment to the class fund before June 1. Checks may be made out to M. O. Simons, treasurer, and sent to 14 Holworthy or the money may paid to any member of the class committee.

H. A. A.- The following men have not as yet called for the prizes due them as winners in the class games: First, A. H. Green (2), R. H. Davis (1); second, Baker.

JOSEPH HOWLAND HUNT, Treas. H. A. A.SHOOTING CLUB.- The annual dinner of the Shooting Club will be held Saturday night, May 30, at Parker's at 7 o'clock. All members of the club are urged to attend this dinner. Blue book is now at Leavitt's for signatures.


INSTITUTE OF 1770.- The annual dinner will be held at the Parker House, Boston, on Thursday, May 28, at 7 p. m. All who intend to come must sign at Leavitt and Peirce's before Tuesday noon. Price, $2.50.

Per order COMMITTEE.THE senior class will be photographed Tuesday, May 26, at the rear of Memorial Hall at 1 o'clock sharp. The freshman class at same place at 1.30.

