
Fact and Rumor.

Number 7 of the Lampoon came out yesterday.

Recitations at Yale close on the afternoon of June 3.

The Class Day invitations have begun to come out.

The sixth and last theme in German 4 is due tomorrow.

E. B. Bloss '94 has gone to the Mott Haven training table.


The new launch at Yale has begun to be used for crew work.

Four record were broken at the Exeter spring meeting last Saturday.

The Glee Club has decided to sing in front of Holworthy on Class Day.

The second eight of the O. K. from '92 are: E. B. Adams, Benner, Benson, Coolidge, Gray, Scudder, L. S. Thompson, E. White.

Evins '93, the weight thrower, has been elected a member of the B. A. A.

Owsley has recovered from his sickness and is again practising with the Yale nine.

The make-up examination in Political Economy 1 will be held on June 9 instead of June 1.

The students of Phillips Andover have pledged $1,512 for erection of a new gymnasium.

The alumni of Wesleyan University have decided by a vote of 341-311 to change the name of that institution.

The schedule of the scrub games will be published in tomorrow's CRIMSON, and the games will probably begin tomorrow afternoon.
