The candidates for the university tug-of-war team have been training for some time in preparation for the intercollegiate games. With all due respect to the men who have been working hard to make up a team, we are forced to the conclusion that the amount and quality of the material are totally inadequate. The men lack experience; they have no good coach, and, take it all in all, their chances for winning a place for Harvard seem very slight. It has not yet been finally decided. we understand, whether or not to send this team to the games. The captain of the "Mott Haven" team is of course the one most competent to decide the question. The college, however, has an opinion of its own in the matter; and this opinion is very plainly that Harvard should not be represented in the tug-of-war. Harvard took a very decided stand against the so-called sport and the Coolidge believes that it is more or less of a matter of principle for Harvard to do all she can to discourage the tug-of-war. This set opinion of the college will have weight, we hope, with the captain who, in making his decision, has to bear in mind both the principle in the matter which Harvard has made and the fact that no chance for honorably winning points for the college should be disregarded.
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.