A World's Record Broken by J. P. Lee.
Some interesting practice was done by Mott Haven men on Holmes field yesterday afternoon. J. P. Lee again broke the world's record for the 220 yds. low hurdle race. Fearing ran down the stretch beside the hurdles and set the pace. The time for the first half of the distance was 12 1-5 secs., and the final time 24 4-5 secs., breaking the former record, made by Lee at the intercollegiate games last year, by nine-twentieths of a second. Lee ran in beautiful form and found time to speak on the way to the time keeper at the 110 yard mark.
Wright ran a 440 yds. dash with Brewer, of Hopkinson's School, his time being 50 4-5 sec., and Brewer's, 52 sec. Shead, Duane and McNear ran a 220 yds. hurdle race, coming in the order named; time, 27 1-5 sec. Cook won a 220 yds. flat race in 22 2 5 sec., Fearing, with 10 yds. handicap, taking second place, F. L. Thompson third, G F. Brown fourth. S. Wells ran a quarter in 52 2-5 sec., Hawes setting the pace for the last 220 yards. R. S. Hale broke the American collegiate record for the 3 mile walk. Brackett was a fair second. The latter record was by H. H. Bemis of Harvard in 1885, and was 24 min., 14 2-5 sec. Hale's time was 23 min., 48 4-5 sec. A. M. White won a 3-4 mile race, running slowly for the first half-mile, and making the last quarter mile in 57 sec. F. F. Carr and J. O. Nichols ran the same distance shortly afterward, Nichols making the last quarter in 60 1-5 sec. Lee tried the 220 yds. flat race and made 22 1-5 sec. Wright and Stead ran with him. Finlay and Evins tried throwing the hammer. Finlay's best throw was 102 ft., 10 1-2 in., and Evins, '96 ft., 4 1-2 in.
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CLASS DAY, JUNE 23, 1876.