THE senior class will be photographed Tuesday, May 26, at the rear of Memorial Hall at 1 o'clock sharp. The freshman class at same place at 1.30.
PHOTO. COMMITTEE.CLASS DAY SPREAD.- A senior wishing a desirable place for a Class Day spread, or to provide for a few friends during Commencement week, may learn of something to his advantage by inquiring of Mr. Betts at the Gymnasium.
CRICKET TEAM.- The following men be out on Holmes Field dressed at 9 o'clock sharp to play Haverford: Parker, Quinby, S. Skinner, C. Skinner, Davis, Hewes, Wells, Griswold; sub., Smith.
A. B. GARRETT, Capt.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- The following men please be on Norton's field at 1 p. m. sharp to play the Banjo Club: Bruegger, Farwell, L. S. Thompson, Rogers, Hollis, Brown, Tremain, Cutler, Carey, Holbrook, L. Thompson, Dole, and Wells
FOUND.- A fountain pen. Inquire at Matthews 55.
THOSE who joined the H. A. A. during Winter Meetings may find their shingles at Thurston's.
H. U. B. B. C.- Entries for the scrub base ball championship will be received until Monday, May 25, at 6 p. m. The name of the nine, its captain and a list of the players must be sent before that time to
ARTHUR P. STONE, 132 North Ave.
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CLASS DAY, JUNE 23, 1876.