Harvard's representatives in the intercollegiate games will be very largely the same men who won the victory over Yale for us last Saturday. The experience which they gained on that day ought to come in well and to prove an aiding factor in winning renown next week Saturday. At the intercollegiate games, however, there are bound to be many circumstances which will work to the disadvantage of the team. The competition of many different sets of men will prove one of these disadvantages; strange grounds and a lack of the heartiest support may prove equally detrimental. It is in the power of the college to change this last circumstance. There is no earthly reason why a very large number of Harvard men should not accompany the team and make their presence known by their vigorous cheering. No important games have been played out of Cambridge all the season; and we fancy that the University officials, realizing that the college work has been little interfered with will the more readily grant leaves of absence to the games. The presence of Harvard supporters will make a tremendous difference. It may be the exact difference between victory and defeat.
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