
Special Notice.

TUTORING in Mathematics.

W. B. CARPENTER, Gr., 40 Kirkland St.80-2t.

TUTORING in History 13, 14, and Pol. Econ. 6. Member of History 27.

ERNEST G. WALKER, 65 College House.80-2t.

TUTORING in Physics B, Botany 1, Zoology 2, and Geology 2, 4, and 4a.


G. D. BUSSEY '91, 16 Stoughton.80 4t

TUTORING in Spanish I.

F. C. COMMONS '92, 18 Hollis.82-2t.

FOR SALE.- Rushton Canoe and outfit. Cedar canoe, 14 ft. 9in., solid mahogany deck and trimmings, aluminum plated finishing, drop rudder, etc., one set of cruising sails, one set of racing sails, paddles, tent, etc. Apply to 42 Thayer. 82-2t.
