

H. A. A.- Prize winners in the University and class games this spring may obtain their cups at Leavitt and Peirce's.

JOSEPH HOWLAND HUNT, Treas. H. A. A.I. S. A. A.- Subscribers to the I. S. A. A. cup, winners of 1st prizes in former meetings, and former officers of the Association, can obtain their complimentary tickets at Thurston's.


THE Christian Association will hold a regular meeting on Thursday evening (tonight) at 6.45 p. m. All members of the University are cordially invited to attend. Professor L. B. R. Briggs will conduct the meeting.

A. L. SHAPLEIGH, Sec.THE Shooting Club will meet today at 2 o'clock. The class matches will be shot. All members of the teams are requested to be present.

