
Honor for a Japanese Student.

The faculty of the Divinity School has selected as the Commencement Day speaker to represent that school Nariaki Kozaki, of Kumamoto, Japan. Kozaki is the first Japanese to have the honor of delivering a Commencement Day part at Harvard. He came to Harvard last fall and entered the third year class in the Divinity School. He has been a hard and conscientious student, and has done exceptionally good work. The appointment is made on the basis of work done and on the excellence of the part submitted to the faculty. The subject of Kozaki's thesis is "Agencies Formative of Christian Thought in Japan."

Kozaki is twenty-seven years old. He received his early collegiate training at Dashisha College, the largest Christian college in Japn. After graduating there in 1881, he entered the Divinity School of the same institution and in 1884 received the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. Coming to America, he spent three years at the Pacific Theological seminary in California. After his graduation there in 1887 he spent three years in private study and last fall came to Harvard.
