
Base Ball Notes.

A Series of Games for the Scrub Championship.

A series of games for the scrub championship is now assured. Some work has been done on Norton's Field and by the time the games begin one diamond, and perhaps two, will be ready for use. All teams wishing to compete in the series must send in their names before tomorrow night to A. P. Stone, treasurer of the Base Ball Association, in order that the schedule of games may be published in Friday morning's CRIMSON. Games will begin on the day of publication of the schedule.

Every team must have a captain who can represent it on all occasions, and must possess a name, other than that of the man who acts as its captain. All college men are eligible to the teams, except those who have played in a 'varsity or class game, or in any of the freshman games with Yale. It will be impossible for every team to play with every other. The only feasible arrangement is that of last year. The names of all the nines will be put in a hat, and a schedule made up from the drawing. As soon as a team is beaten it will drop out of the race. Cups will be given to the winning team by the base ball management. The umpires and scorers of each game will be agreed upon by the captains of the opposing nines. The score of each game must positively be left at the CRIMSON office or in the CRIMSON box at Leavitt and Peirce's before nine o'clock of the day on which the game was played. All disputes as to eligibility of candidates for the teams, etc., may be referred to the 'varsity base ball management.
