
Yale-Harvard Athletic Meeting.

With regard to today's meeting with Yale, the first of the contests for the "University Track Athletic Cup," a good deal of the well-known and baleful Harvard over-confidence has been exhibited. There seems to be a prevailing impression, not only that Harvard will win, but that she does not need to work exceedingly hard to do it. As a matter of fact Yale is about as sure of five first prizes as any contestant in an athletic meeting can be sure of anything. This is taking it for granted that Sherrill will run. He may be counted on to win the one hundred and the two-twenty yards dashes. Yale is also practically certain to win first in the high hurdles, the broad jump, and the pole vault. Williams has done twenty-one feet, ten and three-quarters inches, in the broad jump, after having run two heats in the high hurdles. Again, it is doubtful whether Harvard will take first in the mile run. To be sure, Lowell has done 4 min., 34 1-5 sec., and can be counted on to do better still, if necessary, but it is only fair to consider that Ellsworth, the Yale man has also made great improvement. He took second place in the Intercollegiate games last year, beating our men. Lowell, to be sure, ran with a strained ankle, but Ellsworth had had only about two weeks' training then, and this year it seems that he has been working hard and regularly. If Yale should win this event and one other the first prizes would be evenly divided.

It is well enough known here that Yale never seems to work harder for victory than when the odds are against her, and Harvard's winning the Berkeley Oval Cup last year will certainly inspire Yale with a most astounding anxiety to beat us in today's games and in the Intercollegiate's also. When the struggle is, under any circumstances, as close as today's will be; when Yale is practically certain to win first place in a dangerously large number of events, with this indomitable energy of her's at work to win first, second and third in every event on the programme, it ought to be evident that our team needs vigorous support. Cheering helps men who are working in track events, as much as, or even more than, it does contestants in other events. There should be plenty of it today.

The final entries for the games are as follows: 100 yards dash: 1st heat, J. P. Lee, O. K. Hawes, W. L. Kitchell, A. H. Jones; 2d heat. W. L. Thompson, J. S. Cook, E. C. Moen, S. L. Lassell, C. H. Sherrill, Jr.

220 yards dash: 1st heat, J. S. Cook, E. C. Moen, C. H. Sherill, Jr.; 2d heat, W. L. Thompson, O. K. Hawes, J. P. Lee, S. L. Lassell, A. H. Jones.

440 yards run: E. S. Mullins, W. H. Wright, T. J. Stead, W. B. Wright, Jr., S. Schoville, A. L. Reynolds.


880 yards run: J. Corbin, W. H. Wright. G. L. Batchelder, S. V. R. Crosby, A. L. Reynolds, S. Schoville, W. B. Wright, W. W. Ellsworth.

Mile run: G. Lowell, A. M. White, F. F. Carr, J. O. Nichols, W. W. Ellsworth, C. Z. Curtis, A. C. Williams, J. P. Lloyd.

Mile Walk: R. S. Hale, C. R. Bardeen, S. C. Brackett, A. L. Endicott, S. H. Bell, S. H. Bunnell, S. B. Bissell.

120 yards hurdle: 1st heat, K. Brown, G. R. Fearing, H. L. Williams, A. L. Reynolds; 2d heat, A. M. White, Moffit, D. B. Lyman, M. Van Ingen.

220 yards hurdle race: 1st heat, J. P. Lee, W. N. Duane, M. Van Ingen, S. H. Pearce; 2d heat, F. W. McNear, G. R. Fearing, H. L. Williams, S. L. Lassell.

2 mile bicycle race: 1st heat, R. H. Davis, O. B. Hawes, W. B. Wade; 2d heat, G. F. Taylor, F. S. Pratt, J. W. Allen.

Hammer throwing: J. R. Finlay, H. R. Allen, S. H. Evins, S. Morison, H. H. Elcock, W. W. Heffelfinger.

Putting the shot: J. R. Finlay, H. R. Allen, S. H. Evins, W. H. Shea, H. L. Williams, H. H. Elcock.

Running high jump: G. R. Fearing, A. H. Green, W. N. Duane, G. C. Chaney, T. E. Sherwin, W. L. Kitchell, D. B. Lyman.

Running broad jump: E. B. Bloss, J. Hale, A. H. Green, Moffit, O. W. Shead, H. L. Williams, E. D. Ryder, W. L. Kitchell, J. C. Hammond, Jr.

Pole vault: A. H. Green, Wheel-wright, W. N. Duane, T. E. Sherwin, G. L. Briggs, E. D. Ryder, O. G. Cart-wright.

The officers of the meeting will be as follows: Referee, James E. Sullivan, secretary of the A. A. U., Pastime Athletic Club; judges, G. W. Carr, N. Y. A. C., F. Buermeyer, N. Y. A. C., Walton Storm, M. A. C., A. H. Curtis, N. Y. A. C.; judge of field events, W. H. Robertson, Brooklyn A. C.; judge of Walking, F. P. Murray; timers, George A. Avery, M. A. C., F. E. Wood, B. A. A., A. B. Coxe, Jr., E. E. Merrill, B. A. A.; clerk of course, J. H. Rhoades, Jr., H. A. A.; scorers, T. F. Bayard, Y. A. A., F. S. Walcott, Y. A. A.; inspectors, E. J. Morse, B. A. A., Jinx Taylor, B. A. A., C. E. Mixer, B. A. A., C. M. Lincoln, B. A. A., J. W. Dutton, B. A. A.; announcer, Eugene Buckley, B. A. A.
