
Fact and Rumor.

The iron work for the new gate has arrived.

Dartmouth, Amherst and Williams have formed a tennis league.

C. H. Sisson '92 has been elected manager of the Columbia eleven.

Downes '90 has been offered a position on the New York Herald.

Blue books will be called for in Dr. Danion's section of French 1a next Monday.


The Princetonian has raised the price of single copies from four cents to five.

Mr. Jinx Taylor has been appointed captain of the athletic team of the B. A. A.

The National League has decided to discontinue the total base hit column in its scores.

An appeal for aid for the University Extension is being circulated among the students.

W. C. Downes '90, is training on the grounds of the Star Athletic Club of Long Island City.

The Exeter-Andover athletic contest will take place on June 3, not June 6 as stated in the papers.

A delegation from the Harvard Y. M. C. A. will speak to the students of Phillips Exeter next Sunday.

The Trustees of Phillips-Exeter are building a house on the campus for the use of the various athletic teams.

The Interscholastic championship will be decided on Holmes field on June 6, under the auspices of the H. A. A.

The freshman class at Princeton has put itself on record against hazing, and has voted to give a banquet to the incoming class next fall.

Herrick, who played so well in the tennis tournament at Harvard, won the doubles with H. Colby, in the Interscholastic tournament at Princeton on Saturday.

It is a remarkable coincidence that Trafford, McClung and Dana, respectively first basemen on the 'varsity nines of Harvard, Yale and Princeton, are all old Exeter men. Dana was the only one to play in the position at Exeter.
