
Class Races.

This afternoon at 4.30 the annual class races will be rowed on the Charles River over the usual course, the finish of which is at the Union Boat Club. An unusually close contest is looked for as the crews are more evenly matched than last year. The freshmen and sophomores have done the most work,- the freshmen having commenced training in October and the sophomores in December. The seniors and juniors both began regular training in January. The favorite crew for first place a month ago was '93, but since the return of Fitzhugh to the senior crew and Watriss and Jones to the '92 eight, the chances of '93 for first place are not so good. The average weights of the several crews are as follows: Seniors, 163 3-8 pounds; juniors, 166 3-4; sophomores, 158 7-8; freshmen, 163 1-4. It will thus be seen that the junior crew is the heaviest and the sophomore the lightest. What the sophomores lack in weight they make up in form. The '94 crew shows more or less raggedness in their rowing, but on the whole is up to the average freshman crew.

The positions of the crews are the same as published in the CRIMSON several mornings ago: '92 next to the wall, then '94, '93, and '91 on the outside. The men who will row this afternoon are as follows:



Bow, H. Tallant, Roxbury, 164


2 Q, A. Shaw, Boston, 155

3 S. D. Parker, Boston, 148

4 N. Longworth, Cincinnati, 167

5 J. A. Blanchard, Boston, 172

6 E. F. Fitzhugh, Mt. Morris, N. Y. 180

7 W. M. Randol, San Francisco Cal. 161

Stroke, H. R. Bishop, New York, 160

Coxswain, W. J. Farquhar, Newton. 115

Colors, Green and white.

